Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The Present Moment

The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
November 11, 2014

You can arrange it so you are able to move mountains. Indeed you can by acknowledging the strength that you have. This strength comes from your acknowledgment that life is a process and to honour that process in each moment. Forget the past, instead focus on what is in front of you now. By doing so, you acknowledge where you are. So many are lost. Lost in time. They dwell in the past or in proposed future events. Neither is real. Can you acknowledge that the present moment is where your attention should lie.

You will feel a quickening of the energies. We advise you to practice this. This will  help you preserve your energy stores, but also to create an opening for us to enter. There will come a time when you no longer have to be reminded of this fact. With practice it will come more naturally for you. Whenever your mind strays from the present moment, you will find yourself lost. Claim the power that is yours. Do not wander from this. You will find your life rich and full. We can remind you, if you so choose, by gently giving you the thought to be still, to be quiet. Make room for the Holy Spirit to enter. With grace this will happen. For you are a finger on the hand of God. Let us gently guide you. Reduce the amount of time you spend in devotion to the self and see yourselves as an extension of the Creator. Dwell less in the illusion of separation and more in the unity of mankind with it’s Source. Whenever you are expressing, love, compassion, kindness — we are there. And so with practice, you will learn to sense us. You can also offer our services to another. You can be the conduit for healing in this way. Remove yourself from your own constraints and allow the higher energies to come forth through you.

With time, we will seal the partnership and a new way — a transformation of the old to new will occur. Forget your thoughts about the future and instead trust that life is unfolding as it should. Not only for you, but others as well. The laws of the universe do not pick and choose who to apply their laws to.

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