The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
For the Channeling Development Circle
December 9, 2014
You can prepare for indeed the coming of Christ Consciousness is upon the planet now. From the earliest time this preparation has been in place. You are all part of the plan to bring the Christ Consciousness forward to the next generation.
If you can accept that this energy is already here, then it is up to you whether or not you can accept it for yourself. You cannot teach others the concepts without first accepting it in your own being. Because if you do, it will lack the understanding, but also the energy of truth. You cannot teach what you, yourself, have not fully accepted.
Travel down this road with Us and we will steer you in the right direction for you. If you acknowledge our presence, then you can access our wisdom also. There are those who are ready and willing to participate now in the coming of this new phase of learning. You are part of this collective group, for you agreed at the time of your transition to step into this role. Indeed, it was felt by all to be a deep honour.
Do not be discouraged if you’re plans have not come to completion and be instead inspired by those around you to continue on your own journey of fulfillment. You cannot be in comparison with others for this will lead you to doubt. Instead, dwell within where there is peace and harmony. Together you will succeed at achieving your goals and dreams. Do not forget you came here with the understanding that you have each other. Even though the path can be lonely, there is much camaraderie between you. Do not think this is a mistake of chance, instead it has been well orchestrated by Us to bring you all together to encourage one another, but also to uplift the energy of love.
You can continue forward knowing that you have each other’s full support in whatever you do. Can you take this knowledge and put it in your back pocket? Can you trust one another to keep what is most valuable to you? For it is in the sharing that will bring about the acceleration of energies that will propel you forward.
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