Thursday, 1 January 2015

Message for 2015

The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
Message for 2015
December 31, 2014

Absolve yourselves of what you think you did not accomplish thus far. You are on the right path to rediscover that part of you that is eternal, that is changeless, that is not of time. In this discovery, you will attempt new things, new ideas, new ventures, but in the end you will come to understand that all circumstances are transient and ultimately will bring to you what you need to grow, to understand, to heal.

Even if you are not aware that you are more, there will come a time when you are tired — when you lay down your arms. In these moments, there is a great potential for clarity. Do not fight these down times, these quiet times, for they are rich in opportunities to look at yourselves from a new clarity of perception. Without these times of quiet, you will find yourself running from this, to that, and ultimately will come to that point where you are standing still, not allowing yourself to expand. 

Within the framework of the world, there is much to learn about humanity and how we all fit together to achieve the highest purpose of life. If you do not know what this higher purpose is, then it behooves you to search, to seek, to find, a higher meaning to your existence. When you know what this higher purpose is, you will no longer seek, and instead you will settle in to an energy of comfort, of knowing.

You cannot hurry the process, and so, be kind to yourselves, and lay down all judgment for this will only hinder your progress by bringing about feelings of unworthiness and frustration. Instead, can you fill yourselves with love, kindness, and compassion to yourself first. For you cannot truly understand what this entails unless you give it to yourself first. Set aside the words and look deep within to this truth we are sharing with you now. It is an experience of trust in knowing that you had the answers all along. Indeed, you never left our side. Indeed, you never left your loved ones. Indeed, you never left home.

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