Monday, 10 November 2014

Love Always Answers

The Council
Through Heather Scavetta 
A Personal Life Reading
October 30, 2014

(This is a channel I gave for a client. With her permission, I am sharing this with you, the reader. I usually get a picture before I start speaking, but for the first time, I received a song. Here is the song they gave me that represents her energy perfectly. It is from The Sound of Music soundtrack.)

Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
’Till you find your dream.

A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live.

You are here to fulfill your contract. This is a verbal agreement between those who have accepted the journey with you. This verbal agreement requires skill in interpreting the appropriate words. For you see, words hold power. You have been reflecting upon your own words lately, understanding the energy that is attached to them. What you speak of, you draw closer.

Not everyone understands energy, and so there is much learning to do around this concept. You can facilitate this learning by acknowledging it within yourself. Whenever a negative word is spoken, you can pause to reflect on how it has come about. Has this belief been placed there by others? Is it from pressure to conform? Or are you just unaware of circumstances? In time, the negative will completely leave you. Indeed you can rejoice, for this will be a grand day when you come to understand that the processes of life is for your own fulfillment of your destiny.

When you come to understand that how you view life is essential to your growth, then you will place importance there. And once focus has been achieved, it will come easier to you. Let go of the judgment of others, for in time, they will learn also. But can you set the example, for even though they are unaware, they look to role models.

We know of One who was essential to the evolution of humanity. Indeed He came to serve. So too, you follow in his footsteps. Resolve any conflict of the mind, for this will drain your energy; the energy that is available to help, to serve. From the depths of your soul, you yearn for this connection. You already understand that in service is the gift. And so, can you, from this moment forward, live your life in reverence to this knowledge? Can you find the smallest way to serve? For if you can, then the larger ones will come naturally. For you will be in the energy of it, seeking, searching. But do not think that the path is one in which achievements is rewarded. And so there is no difference between a small miracle and a large one, for the energy of love, which is service, is there. And one cannot place a limit on the power that mobilizes life itself.

You have been drawn to this work by way of trial and error. You already understand the higher concepts and so we can be frank with you. Lay down any defences you carry. No battles need to be won. Instead, can you go with the flow of life and recognize any resistance you carry to what is? This will help you open up new pathways to understanding the higher principles. Reverse old learning by understanding interactions that have occurred in a new way. This is how the past can be changed. As you move forward, know that you have our guidance always.

Do you have a question?

Q - Through regression work and meditation, I have been shown and remembered multiple lives, simultaneous lives; in an Essene community, in an extraterrestrial community, in an inter-lives community of the council of ten around me. And I have been told that I can call upon them for help again in this lifetime. Is that a correct perception?

A - Indeed the concept of time is a tricky one. You are right in assuming that you have walked with the Masters before. And so indeed, they are aware of your journey and are eager to participate. Love always answers.

The scenarios within these experiences are insignificant and yet they hold meaning to you. Can you see yourself as one continuous being, one continuous life instead of there, and here, and then? Indeed, time is different than what you perceive. You can recognize the learning that has occurred and then you will be more aligned with the truth of it. We honour your experiences and journey thus far, knowing that you already have absorbed much of the higher teachings. We will facilitate more learning for you as you grasp more on your journey. You may wish to explore avenues that are new to you in order to understand all of you.

Learning is not foreign to you, you have great patience. And so as you move forward from today, can you recognize the patience you carry? This will assist you to step back from circumstances and understand that you are one continuous being, always present.

Do you have another question?

Q - Could you offer any guidance in what I need to embrace in the healing work that I do?

A - You are weaving energy together in a new way. At first, you may not be able to see the result, but can you trust that you are working on a grand design. The chock (weaving shuttle) is being guided. Indeed, your hand is upon it yet ours is there also. So, let go of any inhibitions and insecurities you may have about this process and know that at each level, we are there guiding, supporting, encouraging. You need not worry or be concerned. Instead, can you allow our participation to increase and then you will understand the process.

We must work together, this is integral. So often we see those first starting out and they fail to recognize that they themselves are only a fraction of what is occurring. It is similar but different than what we do. Indeed there is an interplay of energies that come together to produce a result of integration.

Ultimately, the soul involved is working to accept help. This sounds like a small feat and yet it is difficult for most to let go of control. You are no different in that regard. So, can you, in your future chanellings, release control and you will find your hand guided, your heart opened. In time, new energies will appear and you will learn new ways. But for now, ask yourself how much you wish to come to you if you step fully into this role. You will find yourself questioning more and understanding that there is an interplay of energies that thread through all existence that needs to be recognized.

It is difficult to explain these energies for indeed for many, they remain naked. And so, let go of how you wish it to be and understand that we’ll be working with you to bring about change, not only to the individual, but also to your own consciousness. You will be rewarded many times over by your successes. And hopefully, this will encourage you to keep proceeding along this path. But know that there may come a time where the reward is in the offering itself.

Do you have another question?

Q - In the past while and up till now, I have been moving through integration. I feel a lot of pain and discomfort in the jaw area which I connect to past lives. My question is…will this pass or if I need to seek help in healing?

A - You can understand this stimulus as a way to bring to your attention to what is in need of recognition about the self.

It is difficult for many to understand the purpose of suffering, and yet it is a way to call upon one’s resources. And in a way, for you have been required to reflect and contemplate what is happening and why and what you can do to alleviate this condition.

We say to you, remove any barriers that you have to accepting the truth about yourself. For you see, resistance upon learning what has occurred and why and how you can move forward with this knowledge, often times produces results in the body that is less than optimal. It is a working through of the energies of resistance.

Different souls hold different experiences; some treasure the sufferings and wish on an unconscious level to maintain them. You can work at releasing by understanding that what has occurred can be released completely. This may cause you to question the self. This can occur because much of the identity of the self comes from the past occurrences.

Without those occurrences, a time of indecision and unknowing can happen. And this can feel threatening to the self. In time, you will come to understand that the uniqueness you have is natural, but this is different than past occurrences. Un-forgiveness can be held within the self for millennium and so work to acknowledge parts within you that hold barriers to forgiveness. These need not be grand ideas. Instead, they can be subtle nuances.

If you wish to proceed in the healing arts, you will come to understand that most negativity that is held within the body is from the self unwilling to let go of past experiences. Erase your memory, start new. This will help you to recognize that indeed your true nature is to be free of judgment, including the judgment that is self imposed.  This is a grand task but not one that can’t be accomplished.

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