Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Think in the present moment

For the Tuesday Channelling Class
September 27, 2011
Channel through Heather Scavetta

Welcome. Each of you holds a special spark of light. In this spark is all memory. Within it is a treasury of light where one can reach in and pull out what it is you need to fulfill a dream. You can manifest what it is you need. This can be another channel for your abilities - to reach in your bag and pull out an object of form that may represent a message of hope to another, but also give to you your heart’s desire.

Often times, there are those ideas that flow from us to you where there is another level of being expressed through us. In a way that you have yet to discover, all you know is what has gone before you and you fail to think of possibilities of the unknown.

There is an infinite expression of ideas manifesting concurrently throughout all of existence and you can tap into any stream of thought to join in with this experience. You can start your own stream of thought and allow this to manifest naturally as each of you know how to do this.

As you enter this world, you experience life one moment at a time and use your past experiences to gauge how you are in the present and what is the appropriate response. We say to you, drop that premise and allow the ideas to flow freely through you as there is no reference point, because as you look to the past you formulate a future that can be similar in nature as you are doing the same things you have done before.

We pose to you to allow these ideas to come to you new without reference. Allow them to grow and see where they take you. Do not let limitations of others limit yourself, as this is their lack of knowledge and cannot be used as a reference point for yourself. Know that what you understand is a tool to allow yourself to reinvent areas of thought which you may never have thought to discover on your own or as you are being in this moment.

If you can all think new you will see that the possibilities are endless. Do not think because you have not accomplished much in your life that this is the truth forever as there are many facets to the crystal and you are just playing one side of it.  Join together as you are on the cusp of new ways of being and the courage to bring this about can happen if you trust in the unknown.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

The Truth, Love and Enemies

The Council through Heather Scavetta
For the Thursday night mediumship class
September 15, 2011

There is a place where dreams comes true. A place where your heart’s desires are instantaneous as your thought. From this place comes the most intense love. Here you are everything you thought you weren’t. We wish for all of you to know this, as we have the privilege of experiencing this, as it is where we are. You struggle where you are each day and we cry for you as we see the difficulties each of you have. We want you to know that this is a temporary situation and is not the truth. If we could reach through and touch each of your hearts so that you would remember we would do so, but this is not in our power to do this as it is against what you truly wish for yourselves.

Relax and know that your lives are what they need to be, that you are creating your own experience and perception. Think differently and you will be able to see your life clearly. Remember or hear our words and know them to be true. You could in the moment bridge the gap of realities and live your life as we do, free from burden with hope. We know this is easier said than done, but there are those amongst you who can do this and they live their life with joy, free from worry and pain as they know that how they are here, is not truly how they are and they know this in the depths of their soul.

Rejoice for the truth is at hand for each of you if you have the courage to know it, to live it and to share it. Each of us who come through with love wish to tell you this. So often you do not want to hear us, that love is the answer to all your perceived troubles. While you are here, take each other’s hand, tell them what you feel in your heart. Take the chance and you will see that it is not as scary as you think it is, that it is not as risky as you think it is and we not only talk about your immediate family. We talk about those that you have difficulty reaching and finding a connection with. Do it with your enemies and you will find that this is what they are looking for and that perhaps it is you that can give it to them.

We leave you with this thought tonight and can we say that you will have the opportunity to make the choice, to make this connection in the days coming. Will you take the chance to do this to help yourselves? As in you all know that as you reach out to others you are also helping yourselves.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


The Council through Heather Scavetta
For the Caledon Ladies’ Meditation Circle
Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome. We are the Council. From beyond your perception, we are beings who resonate with you. It is true that we have participated in many experiences. From our vantage point, we are able to see beyond what you are able to at this time. We band together as we know that each of us expresses life uniquely and can bring a knowledge and perception that another may struggle with. So, together we can bring a united front, a complex, but complete overview of what is necessary to fulfill your existence in this time.

You may think of us as men who sit on a council, ones who wear robes and carry much wisdom and knowledge. Yes this can be true, but our form is of a nature that is neither here nor there. Part of us is in all expressions. We are able to transcend form so that we can be in many places and travel vast distances without the need of a vehicle. This we share with you to help the channel understand us better as she has a deep desire to know more. Much of what we hold back is to assist her although she may not recognize it as such; concepts that are difficult to grasp. We are like a parent who pushes a stroller. We are behind you and are like the force that propels you forward all the while keeping you safe and providing your needs such as comfort, reinforcement, encouragement and knowledge.

There are many signs along the road ahead. Some you will be able to read and others you will pass by and say to yourself, “What was that. I didn’t catch that”. Know that there will be more signs ahead and although you may be tempted to turn around, continue forward as this is the path of progression and growth.

Along the way there is time to pick up a stone and gaze at its beauty and wonder what information it holds for you. Time to gather in your surroundings and feel blessed that you are surrounded by such beauty, but this will not satisfy you for long as there are discoveries to be made (connections) and obstacles to overcome. There is a force that propels you forward whether you wish to move or not. You will feel this gentle push behind you. Sometimes there are those waiting ahead for you and cannot move ahead on their own path till they meet up with you. Often times they wait with loved ones and don’t know what they are waiting for, but when you come together, all seems as it is meant to be and you carry forward together.

It is true that as you look ahead you can look up and, in the beauty of the sky, there are messages there for you. Where your heart leads you it is wise to follow. Whether is it a glance to the right or to the left, up or down, allow yourself to be guided so that you may notice all the signs that you have left yourself. It is true that animals will move in and out of your life. They too are markers along the path. They too wish to be in your energy and know you in this way. They wait for the time where they will join with you again.

Know that for this moment in time you (the group of ladies) join with each other and join the path together. You bring comfort to each other knowing that you share this desire in common. You are friends who support each other, love each other, and listen in those times of sorrow, to encourage each other to keep going to experience new things, and of course laugh and enjoy.

You will not always be together in this way you are now and so some of you will move ahead alone and leave each other to follow your own paths. This is as it should be and this is all done with good wishes and good lucks for you all know that each of you has your own path to follow, your own journey to take and trust that there will come a time when you will once again be together and share your laughter and joy at what was, what is and what will be. Support each other.

We thank you for having this opportunity to come through and to speak with all of you. Know that we walk with you on your journeys and that you need not feel lost or alone. There are many guiding and supporting you and this does not change, as we will be there for all eternity.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Greetings from The Fairy Realm!

The Council and The Fairy Realm through Heather Scavetta
For the Wednesday night class
September 7, 2011

Welcome. We are the Council. Greetings from the fairy realm! We have heard that those here have had visions from mystical creatures such as the unicorn and we wish to address this field of energy which has long been misunderstood.

There are many guardians of the earth and these beings of light are hidden within your view for it is true that many are tiny, but they have the ability to morph into their surroundings and so you may not be able to notice when they are watching you, when they join in your walks through nature or hover in the trees and watch you pass by. There is a mystical dance to all of nature and life itself and this thread of life is truly magical in nature, but also bring to you much joy.

This energy they bring is also musical and can be heard when there is laughter, especially through children as they do enjoy people who have a childlike energy as they feel akin to them. You will notice that there are many beings that have a history on earth of being from the Celtic area and they feel very natural talking about the fairy realm, as this is something that is part of their culture. They (the fairies) are very good at bridging the gap between spirit and human as they bring their joy and lightness with them and help to breakdown barriers where there is fear and distrust as mention of a fairy or a gnome or elf can lighten even the most serious person. If you find that you are being too serious you can call on a fairy and they will lighten your outlook. Much love is transpired through these transactions as they can blend easily with humour and love energy.

There are those upon the earth who find it very difficult to relay love for they find this threatening and feel very vulnerable. Sometimes they can use symbolism to get this across as they are not able to do it in a way that may be expected from them (much emotion). We offer this to you as we know there are those amongst you who have similar challenges and this may be a way for you to touch another’s heart. Know that when you use the fairies in healing, in giving messages of hope to another, it carries with it a lightness and joy.

(A Fairy Speaks)

                           We emit being not threatening it is true that many of us are strong in opinion this we are known for and will often through play show you our distrust and so there are many myths and legends surrounding us and we can say that some are true. Be careful where you walk as there may be one of us underfoot. We do like gardens as it tends to be quieter there and we enjoy flight with the birds and the bees and the small animals that gather there. Respect us as we are part of the earth, we are a part of you, as we are part of life and so start with your own homes and the surrounding nature and know that we dwell there - even in the spider webs we find pleasure and so enjoy our light as we flit by and it is true that we are most visible in the dawn and at dusk. You may also bring a fairy with you as you bring the flowers into your homes. If you ask us to show ourselves, we will endeavour to do so. As we take adieu, we blow our fairy dust of light on all of you present as we so do enjoy these gatherings.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

A transformation is taking place. You are part of this transformation.

September 6, 2011

“The Council” through Heather Scavetta

Channelled for the Tuesday Night Class

Welcome. We are the Council. A transformation is taking place. You are part of this transformation. From the tiniest microbe to that of the most glorious and massive mountain, changes are happening. We are proud to be part of the individual progress in this circle tonight. We applaud you for your efforts for we know how much energy it takes to work in a field that is often times not fully understood by the masses, but times are a changing (with humour).

As you are all well aware, you will see there is a massive uprising happening behind the scenes as there are many individuals that are unhappy with their current situation. Many are struggling with personal finances, but also feel that they are not part of their community as they are left out. In the past, it was work that brought people together – a commonality of travelling to work and returning home. There you build alliances, friendships and sometimes enemies, but there was a common way to behave and be and now this is not true for so many. Yes the unemployment rate is high and currently in The States they are looking at something like 9.6%, but this is only what has been reported as there are so many who are struggling. Can we say that these are times of intense suffering throughout the world and you are some of the most privileged few who are still able to feed your loved ones and yourself and keep a roof over your head.

You will find though, in the young ones who are looking for work; they indeed are wondering what will become of themselves as they are unsure of where to turn. Their parents are not giving them the answers that they are seeking for they themselves do not know as the terrain is different and so they feel they are failures still living at home and not being able to afford a place of their own. When will they be able to have a family and support them when they themselves cannot find what it is they need to sustain their own dreams and desires. This is a difficult time for many, but it is up to you to keep the faith and the energy moving in a positive direction for where else can these ones who appear lost look for positive reinforcement for often times they are not getting this from their parents and immediate family.

Perhaps those who are fortunate enough to have work and a steady income can offer help to those who are struggling for they do have the means to be able to provide this. Not only do they have the monetary means, but also the peace of mind for they know where they go each day and know what they are coming home to and they have hope. The world needs to either go back to basics, which is family and living off the land. or they need to embrace technology and move forward. Where does your expertise lie and how can you help those who are less fortunate? You will see many entrepreneurs springing up for they have no choice. The service industry seems to be one that seems most likely to absorb these new entrepreneurs, but can you help those who are thinking new to indeed think new - to reinvent society itself.

Too often those who are in the position of power regurgitate old energies and cannot think new for they need the youth to help them to dream big and so can you see that we all need to work together that not one individual will have all the answers. What can you bring to your community? Either as a role model or to offer someone a hand up or assistance in their own thinking. We are also here to offer you new ideas and thinking, but believe you me, you have everything that it takes if you choose to work together. Those who think old think that it’s all them that they need to provide for their families alone, that they need to withdraw and build storehouses of inventory of money and supplies, etc. will find themselves failing the New Earth as this is old energies at play and this vibration will not hold its integrity into the future and so use the resources that are available to you to assist and build a community for this is where strength will lie.

Keep the faith alive and inspire those around you to not only to think for themselves, but lean on each other. There is much to be hopeful and grateful for during these turbulent times comes great strength and determination and growth. We see the potential, can you? Embrace each other for it is love that binds us all and with love comes hope, compassion and trust in the future. Enjoy this moment for it will not come again.