Tuesday, 13 September 2011


The Council through Heather Scavetta
For the Caledon Ladies’ Meditation Circle
Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome. We are the Council. From beyond your perception, we are beings who resonate with you. It is true that we have participated in many experiences. From our vantage point, we are able to see beyond what you are able to at this time. We band together as we know that each of us expresses life uniquely and can bring a knowledge and perception that another may struggle with. So, together we can bring a united front, a complex, but complete overview of what is necessary to fulfill your existence in this time.

You may think of us as men who sit on a council, ones who wear robes and carry much wisdom and knowledge. Yes this can be true, but our form is of a nature that is neither here nor there. Part of us is in all expressions. We are able to transcend form so that we can be in many places and travel vast distances without the need of a vehicle. This we share with you to help the channel understand us better as she has a deep desire to know more. Much of what we hold back is to assist her although she may not recognize it as such; concepts that are difficult to grasp. We are like a parent who pushes a stroller. We are behind you and are like the force that propels you forward all the while keeping you safe and providing your needs such as comfort, reinforcement, encouragement and knowledge.

There are many signs along the road ahead. Some you will be able to read and others you will pass by and say to yourself, “What was that. I didn’t catch that”. Know that there will be more signs ahead and although you may be tempted to turn around, continue forward as this is the path of progression and growth.

Along the way there is time to pick up a stone and gaze at its beauty and wonder what information it holds for you. Time to gather in your surroundings and feel blessed that you are surrounded by such beauty, but this will not satisfy you for long as there are discoveries to be made (connections) and obstacles to overcome. There is a force that propels you forward whether you wish to move or not. You will feel this gentle push behind you. Sometimes there are those waiting ahead for you and cannot move ahead on their own path till they meet up with you. Often times they wait with loved ones and don’t know what they are waiting for, but when you come together, all seems as it is meant to be and you carry forward together.

It is true that as you look ahead you can look up and, in the beauty of the sky, there are messages there for you. Where your heart leads you it is wise to follow. Whether is it a glance to the right or to the left, up or down, allow yourself to be guided so that you may notice all the signs that you have left yourself. It is true that animals will move in and out of your life. They too are markers along the path. They too wish to be in your energy and know you in this way. They wait for the time where they will join with you again.

Know that for this moment in time you (the group of ladies) join with each other and join the path together. You bring comfort to each other knowing that you share this desire in common. You are friends who support each other, love each other, and listen in those times of sorrow, to encourage each other to keep going to experience new things, and of course laugh and enjoy.

You will not always be together in this way you are now and so some of you will move ahead alone and leave each other to follow your own paths. This is as it should be and this is all done with good wishes and good lucks for you all know that each of you has your own path to follow, your own journey to take and trust that there will come a time when you will once again be together and share your laughter and joy at what was, what is and what will be. Support each other.

We thank you for having this opportunity to come through and to speak with all of you. Know that we walk with you on your journeys and that you need not feel lost or alone. There are many guiding and supporting you and this does not change, as we will be there for all eternity.

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