The Council through Heather Scavetta
For the Thursday night mediumship classSeptember 15, 2011
There is a place where dreams comes true. A place where your heart’s desires are instantaneous as your thought. From this place comes the most intense love. Here you are everything you thought you weren’t. We wish for all of you to know this, as we have the privilege of experiencing this, as it is where we are. You struggle where you are each day and we cry for you as we see the difficulties each of you have. We want you to know that this is a temporary situation and is not the truth. If we could reach through and touch each of your hearts so that you would remember we would do so, but this is not in our power to do this as it is against what you truly wish for yourselves.
Relax and know that your lives are what they need to be, that you are creating your own experience and perception. Think differently and you will be able to see your life clearly. Remember or hear our words and know them to be true. You could in the moment bridge the gap of realities and live your life as we do, free from burden with hope. We know this is easier said than done, but there are those amongst you who can do this and they live their life with joy, free from worry and pain as they know that how they are here, is not truly how they are and they know this in the depths of their soul.
Rejoice for the truth is at hand for each of you if you have the courage to know it, to live it and to share it. Each of us who come through with love wish to tell you this. So often you do not want to hear us, that love is the answer to all your perceived troubles. While you are here, take each other’s hand, tell them what you feel in your heart. Take the chance and you will see that it is not as scary as you think it is, that it is not as risky as you think it is and we not only talk about your immediate family. We talk about those that you have difficulty reaching and finding a connection with. Do it with your enemies and you will find that this is what they are looking for and that perhaps it is you that can give it to them.
We leave you with this thought tonight and can we say that you will have the opportunity to make the choice, to make this connection in the days coming. Will you take the chance to do this to help yourselves? As in you all know that as you reach out to others you are also helping yourselves.
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