Wednesday, 7 September 2011

A transformation is taking place. You are part of this transformation.

September 6, 2011

“The Council” through Heather Scavetta

Channelled for the Tuesday Night Class

Welcome. We are the Council. A transformation is taking place. You are part of this transformation. From the tiniest microbe to that of the most glorious and massive mountain, changes are happening. We are proud to be part of the individual progress in this circle tonight. We applaud you for your efforts for we know how much energy it takes to work in a field that is often times not fully understood by the masses, but times are a changing (with humour).

As you are all well aware, you will see there is a massive uprising happening behind the scenes as there are many individuals that are unhappy with their current situation. Many are struggling with personal finances, but also feel that they are not part of their community as they are left out. In the past, it was work that brought people together – a commonality of travelling to work and returning home. There you build alliances, friendships and sometimes enemies, but there was a common way to behave and be and now this is not true for so many. Yes the unemployment rate is high and currently in The States they are looking at something like 9.6%, but this is only what has been reported as there are so many who are struggling. Can we say that these are times of intense suffering throughout the world and you are some of the most privileged few who are still able to feed your loved ones and yourself and keep a roof over your head.

You will find though, in the young ones who are looking for work; they indeed are wondering what will become of themselves as they are unsure of where to turn. Their parents are not giving them the answers that they are seeking for they themselves do not know as the terrain is different and so they feel they are failures still living at home and not being able to afford a place of their own. When will they be able to have a family and support them when they themselves cannot find what it is they need to sustain their own dreams and desires. This is a difficult time for many, but it is up to you to keep the faith and the energy moving in a positive direction for where else can these ones who appear lost look for positive reinforcement for often times they are not getting this from their parents and immediate family.

Perhaps those who are fortunate enough to have work and a steady income can offer help to those who are struggling for they do have the means to be able to provide this. Not only do they have the monetary means, but also the peace of mind for they know where they go each day and know what they are coming home to and they have hope. The world needs to either go back to basics, which is family and living off the land. or they need to embrace technology and move forward. Where does your expertise lie and how can you help those who are less fortunate? You will see many entrepreneurs springing up for they have no choice. The service industry seems to be one that seems most likely to absorb these new entrepreneurs, but can you help those who are thinking new to indeed think new - to reinvent society itself.

Too often those who are in the position of power regurgitate old energies and cannot think new for they need the youth to help them to dream big and so can you see that we all need to work together that not one individual will have all the answers. What can you bring to your community? Either as a role model or to offer someone a hand up or assistance in their own thinking. We are also here to offer you new ideas and thinking, but believe you me, you have everything that it takes if you choose to work together. Those who think old think that it’s all them that they need to provide for their families alone, that they need to withdraw and build storehouses of inventory of money and supplies, etc. will find themselves failing the New Earth as this is old energies at play and this vibration will not hold its integrity into the future and so use the resources that are available to you to assist and build a community for this is where strength will lie.

Keep the faith alive and inspire those around you to not only to think for themselves, but lean on each other. There is much to be hopeful and grateful for during these turbulent times comes great strength and determination and growth. We see the potential, can you? Embrace each other for it is love that binds us all and with love comes hope, compassion and trust in the future. Enjoy this moment for it will not come again.

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