The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
For the Niagara Retreat
July 20, 2014
There is grace amongst you for indeed the energy of love is present. We offer our condolences to those who have come before you, for indeed they have laid a foundation. And so you see, that your paths are not one created in isolation for those who have walked and suffered and who have come to be of service to all that continue the journey. It is a process unfolding before you. Even though you have agreed to the potentials in this lifetime, there is a rediscovery, a learning of new possibilities, break throughs and healing that is happening now and into the future.
Applaud yourselves for you have travelled a great distance to arrive at this point on your journey. You have crossed oceans and long distances throughout your journeys and even though this is not your potential in this lifetime, energetically you are doing the same thing. Time is serving you this time around for it is a process of understanding, it is in the living, it is in the present moment where all learning occurs. And so give yourselves time to absorb the teachings and to truly learn what you have come to understand as truth. We can offer you our guidance, for this you can be sure, but know that you have a great wealth of knowledge within you. Do not look to Spirit to give you everything you are looking for, for you know the way. You can rely on the self.
As you move forward, have confidence in your abilities to give healing to those who are in need. This has been your great purpose since life began to help those who look for guidance, indeed you are all healers in different forms. Extend your heart to all those who come before you and understand this creates an energetic bridge through which our love can also transverse. For you see it is in the physical where things can change, morph, and become something new. Honour your physical lives and know that this journey is one of honour, sacrifice and duty. Do not take it lightly, for you have not only earned your way, you have ascribed to bringing the higher consciousness to humanity. As you move forward, remember that you have been given what you need to succeed. You can live a life that is free from suffering. You can teach others the way to bring themselves to an energy of acceptance and peace. We no longer need to grow from suffering. This is the way of the old, instead can we embrace the truth as bringing to us the knowledge that we are enabled. No longer is there need to be victims instead can you see each other as victors.
Is there a question?
Q - What do I need to know?
There is a part of you that still believes in the separation of bodies. Can you acknowledge that the thread of life runs through each of us and this chain is unbroken. When you perceive the body as separate, you perceive a break in the chain. Learn to see through new eyes. Learn to see connection in all its variabilities.
Is there another question?
Q - Do beings come to earth without past lives?
We can offer you our knowledge about the way in which life works. We can see your question as one who has invested much energy into your development and so it is natural that you query about life.
Can we say that there are many concepts that need to be explored and indeed you are bringing higher knowledge to this place to those who have yet begun to incorporate how energy can be transformed and created. And so, in answer to your question, indeed it is possible for there are those who have yet to explore the higher realms. There are those who are unable to progress. There are those who cannot assimilate within this environment. And so it is a process of coming and going, of retracting and moving forward, of absorbing the teachings. And so some come within the womb to grasp life and who are not ready to be born. It is a process of learning how to assimilate their energy within the physical environment and so it is not a fail that children have failed to progress into full physical life, instead can you see it as a process, an energetic process, to reach that point when you are able to transform the spirit into physical matter.
Indeed you are all part of this transformation; to bring energies into this physical realm for there are many who have not experienced a physical life. Not all will be awarded this opportunity and they look to us to maintain the continence of learning and experience. So, through us we can teach many who are beyond your reach as you know it now. There is a master plan. Do not be dismayed if you cannot absorb the teachings because you are able to integrate what you need to progress in your own development. There are higher teachings available to those who seek. We do not limit this potential for anyone, but there needs to be an awareness that this can occur for each individual as many do not understand the process. We can offer our teachings to anyone who is at the correct juncture.
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