Friday, 11 April 2014

We Are No Different

The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
For the Channeling Class
April 10, 2014

Absorb the love, the energies present for We are around you now to uplift, to support and to encourage. You can also participate in this way when you are faced with difficult situations. You can bring your energy to others in this way. It is but a door to be opened. Right now you under the impression that this door is shut, and locked and bolted and chained, but make no mistake, you can easily let it disappear by trusting in the powers you possess to change energy, to contribute positively to create an energy that is new, different. An energy that will allow change to occur. An energy to allow those around you to see the truth, to open their minds, to open their hearts to the possibilities of how we can connect to one another, support one another, love one another. You see We are the same. What We can do so can you! We are no different.

And do remember to give this to yourself, for you can change the energy that is around you even though you are alone. You can transmute your space and this space can be large. It can be a radius around your home, and into your community. And so, do not continue to limit yourself for indeed you are bigger, grander, wiser than you understand at this time.

Applaud yourselves thus far, but you can do better if you want to. It is the nature of your being to continue to expand your consciousness, your awareness of what is possible. Each of you continue to try these new ways of thinking, being, doing. You keep pushing the envelope and it is a good thing. For energies change and morph. They are not stagnant and what served you in the past may not serve you now and so it behooves you to create something new. It is what keeps life interesting. It is what keeps you learning and so allow yourselves the capacity to explore, to experience life fully in its trials, ups and downs, roller coasters. For indeed this is the reality that you are in now, it will not always be this way. Take advantage of what life is offering you in this moment.

Acknowledge the love and support that you have in your life right now for they too need encouragement to know how important they are to you. For each of you doubt, doubt your worthiness, about your capacity to love as fully as you can and we need encouragement to continue in the face of trials and difficulties especially. And so, place no limitation on your life. It can only do good. Keeps yourselves vulnerable and open you need not protect what needs no protection, instead open your arms to the experiences that are in front of you now and be happy that you are able to experience them in the way that you can for not everyone is equipped in the way that you are. Share what you know, speak your truth and allow joy to come to you. It is there if you know where to look. We do not hesitate to remind you of this for We understand doubt will occur and rise and grow if you let it, but we also see what love can do. So continue to love in all it forms and ways and know you were born for this. Keep yourselves strong and sure for you know the way.

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