The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
April 4, 2012 for the Wednesday night class.
Welcome. We are The Council.
We have come tonight to show you what it is to be human and a part of this earthly realm. It is true that your life is unique and yet there is a blending of different energies while you are here that forms a unique environment to each person. This includes the animals in your life as well as friends and family. Those outside of that realm, play a different role in how they affect you.
Often times they represent the group as a whole (aka collective consciousness) and may reflect group energies. This may include: anger, judgement, impatience, apathy and you may take from those experiences away with you feelings of being either connected or detached from the group.
In your life there will be times where you seek out others and want to feel that connectedness and there are other times where you want to withdrawal - all are appropriate. You must find within yourself that place where you can go to where you can find the truth. So often there are those who are experts at covering up the truth about themselves and fail to see what it is they put in their path to distract them and that creates barriers to their happiness and progression and so we say to you, can you find that place where you can go to find the truth about yourself? In that place you will also find us, for we are there. We surround you always for we are linked to one another and we understand about your fears and what motivates you to try a little harder.
It is also our job or role that we take, to offer to you feelings of love, to remind you that there is more than earthly goals and aspirations. And so we strive to give you a balanced perspective for we understand that you are cloaked in a veil of forgetfulness and are unaware of where you come from and who you are.
Allow us to come close and touch your heart. You are safe with us.
As you come together and in the times to follow, remember that we are here and you may call on us for assistance. We know you are on a (? not clear) journey and so there may be times where you are unable to ask for assistance as there are deep-rooted beliefs within you. But if you could open up that part of you to possibilities and to the unknown then you allow us to reach through and assist you in your knowledge and be a part of those experiences.
Be kind to one another, support one another.
(Words in brackets are mine and are for clarity.)
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