Sunday, 8 April 2012


Chakras are energy centres of the body and we have hundreds of them.
The main chakras run up and down the spine and if all are wide open can
facilitate the kundalini experience.

Our chakras are open because we are alive.
You cannot completely close them.
You can open them further through relaxation and intention.
We can hold on to negative energy in the associating chakra
ie. grief in the heart centre

We can work on how we hold on to energy by recognizing our past traumas,
fears , etc.

Sometimes illness results from blocked energy which show up in the corresponding energy centres.

Through meditation we can travel to each of the chakras and ask for information about them.
Are we holding on to stuff? and a favourite of mine is to ask "What does this area of the body want
to tell me?". Be open to amazing information that you wouldn't expect to get. I feel the body is a communication
tool to ourselves and if we ask and listen we can know more about ourselves and what we can do to help ourselves and heal.

We can consciously "close down" our chakras by intention and pulling our energy towards us.
We can do this to "protect" our energy when we are in the company of negative energy, etc.
We can also do this by refocusing our perspective from the spirit world to the physical world where we use these energy centres less.

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