Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Know All Aspects of the Self

Through Heather Scavetta
For the Channelling Development Class
February 24, 2015

There comes a time in your life when you must acknowledge yourself. Acknowledge who you are in every level, not just how you see yourself, but who you are. This knowledge comes about by understanding the self. This self is multidimensional -  multivibrational and can be understood by going within the self to go to those places that you are most unlikely to go to. You must have courage to look at those parts of the self that is difficult to see. You must know the entirety of who you are. This is part of your experience here now, but will also determine what experiences will come to you in the future time. 

If you are unsure of where you are going, then look at where you have avoided. 

If you do not have the courage to see yourself completely, then you will bring about conditions to allow that to happen. For it is the desire of the soul to know all. We can acknowledge the growth in others and encourage them to do the same. This will help you to see the path. What is it about each individual here that needs to be explored. Even though you are brought together as a group you are still individuals. 

(This energy steps back and another steps forward.)

You have asked for this information to come. Do not be surprised that it finally arrived, instead can you be honest with yourself. This is the only way. To deny the self is to deny God. You can succeed, but first there needs to be an awareness brought forth. Step out of your comfort zone. There is safety in numbers. You are not alone in this process, but no one can take those steps but yourself. And so here we are once again joined in a common endeavour to progress. Allow yourself the fullness of the opportunity presented. 

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