Friday, 11 April 2014

We Are No Different

The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
For the Channeling Class
April 10, 2014

Absorb the love, the energies present for We are around you now to uplift, to support and to encourage. You can also participate in this way when you are faced with difficult situations. You can bring your energy to others in this way. It is but a door to be opened. Right now you under the impression that this door is shut, and locked and bolted and chained, but make no mistake, you can easily let it disappear by trusting in the powers you possess to change energy, to contribute positively to create an energy that is new, different. An energy that will allow change to occur. An energy to allow those around you to see the truth, to open their minds, to open their hearts to the possibilities of how we can connect to one another, support one another, love one another. You see We are the same. What We can do so can you! We are no different.

And do remember to give this to yourself, for you can change the energy that is around you even though you are alone. You can transmute your space and this space can be large. It can be a radius around your home, and into your community. And so, do not continue to limit yourself for indeed you are bigger, grander, wiser than you understand at this time.

Applaud yourselves thus far, but you can do better if you want to. It is the nature of your being to continue to expand your consciousness, your awareness of what is possible. Each of you continue to try these new ways of thinking, being, doing. You keep pushing the envelope and it is a good thing. For energies change and morph. They are not stagnant and what served you in the past may not serve you now and so it behooves you to create something new. It is what keeps life interesting. It is what keeps you learning and so allow yourselves the capacity to explore, to experience life fully in its trials, ups and downs, roller coasters. For indeed this is the reality that you are in now, it will not always be this way. Take advantage of what life is offering you in this moment.

Acknowledge the love and support that you have in your life right now for they too need encouragement to know how important they are to you. For each of you doubt, doubt your worthiness, about your capacity to love as fully as you can and we need encouragement to continue in the face of trials and difficulties especially. And so, place no limitation on your life. It can only do good. Keeps yourselves vulnerable and open you need not protect what needs no protection, instead open your arms to the experiences that are in front of you now and be happy that you are able to experience them in the way that you can for not everyone is equipped in the way that you are. Share what you know, speak your truth and allow joy to come to you. It is there if you know where to look. We do not hesitate to remind you of this for We understand doubt will occur and rise and grow if you let it, but we also see what love can do. So continue to love in all it forms and ways and know you were born for this. Keep yourselves strong and sure for you know the way.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


February 2014
Channel to Development Class
Through Heather Scavetta


You can acknowledge at any time what you desire to occur in this space and time. You are not bound by anyone or any circumstance. You are free to be yourself, always. 

We have come to share our wisdom with you, in particular, because we see the value in how you apply yourself in situations with others for you can see the bigger picture of what is occurring now.

So you will find yourself alone often. This is because you have chose a path to walk where no one has walked before. Indeed you are pioneers on this realm. Forever your lineage will reign. There are many throughout the galaxies that are witness to your progress and they applaud your efforts because there is much darkness here. In darkness, we mean to say, that there are those who fail to see the light, to see the love, to see the unity and the power of the people.

There are still those individuals who wish to exert their power over the masses because they feel their agenda is important to their lineage. But can we say, that at the time of their transition, at their point of death upon this plane, they will see themselves be surrounded by loved ones, angels, guides and masters and everyone they have ever know and they will remember a time when they were happy, fulfilled and full of joy.

This pursuit of the individual is futile for you will not achieve what you wish as a soul in pursuing this line of work for it is in how we touch one another that will create the energy that is forever.
You can come as you are now. You need not do more work, for you have prepared for this time. And so, let go of the chains. Let go of the beliefs that limit you. Instead, embrace yourself in each moment. Trust who you are at the deepest level and bring that to light. You need not fear one another for we are all in the same boat. We are going in the same direction. 

Indeed this is the time. There is no other. Can we ask you to participate in the outreach for indeed this is a ministry of light to wake up each other to the truth of our being. There is much joy in this progression. There will be times when you feel alone, but if you have the courage to share your deepest feelings, you will see you are not alone for humanity shares the common path to join once again in the understanding that we can do everything together. Each of you has a unique potential. There is no one like you that can bring forth the truth as you see it. Please share this truth. It is in the sharing that we stand united. We can learn as a species to embrace one another’s differences and see that each of us brings a piece to create the whole. And so do not wish to be like an other, for this is futile. Instead understand the self and all its aspects and bring forth what is most evident in your consciousness at this time. For indeed, you are more than what you appear.

Do you have a question?

Q - Is there anything I should focus on?

You wish to make a great impact. You wish to touch many people with your knowledge, with your compassion. You have a great love for humanity, but you fail to see how this can be done and you doubt the impact that you make . You feel ineffective and so there is part of you that believes that you lack the talent to achieve your dreams.

This is false, this is an illusion. You can break through this by trusting that you have set forth the abilities to manifest your dreams in this lifetime. Let go of limited thoughts about the world and about your role in it. Trust in the process of life. Do not resist what is occurring, instead, ask yourself what you can do to assist in the progress of yourself and those around you. You need to stay positive in your thoughts, always. Love yourself in each moment. Be kind to yourself for you find it easy to be this way with others. It is more difficult when it is just you. Embrace yourself, indeed you are worth it. Allow yourself to be free.

Is there another question?

How can one let go of self doubt and focus on what is truly pure?

This story has been told many times before and so your question is not new. We see many in your position now. They questions themselves and find difficulty in finding a way out. You must accept yourself. There is no part of you that cannot be loved. You feel there are bad parts and good parts and neutral parts. This is false perception. It is an experience. You must experience each part of you to understand the whole. And so, embrace the dark side, because that too is you. You are here to feel. To exhibit emotions and to understand yourself. Allow yourself free reign to feel each emotion fully. This will allow you to go deeper. Without this experience, it will be a superficial reality for you. 

There are those who understand this at a deeper level, and seek out circumstances to feel the feelings that come about. Each experience is recorded. You can revisit these times by expanding your consciousness. This will help you retrieve information that has already been learned. Learn to access the wisdom that is there and do not feel that you must learn everything in this life expression. 

Each of you feels that you are lost. This is not so. You struggle each day feeling that you lack what is necessary to achieve your wishes and desires. We are tired of reinforcing these principles to each of you over and over. Can you step into the reality of who you are and allow time to progress in a way that can serve you? Let go of these notions for they have been engrained in you by others. You did not come here with this knowledge. 

There is no lack. Please allow yourself to be happy, joyful, compassionate, loving and do not let society tell you otherwise. There is a movement of life here and it can progress peacefully. Let it start with you. Do not continue this war upon yourself. It is futile. Instead, let all that go and instead embrace the possibility that you can do what you wish in each moment without hesitation. Each time you feel yourself retract, pay attention to these moments, for they are clues for what you need to release. So too you can notice the situations where your heart is full. 

Can you feel our connection? Can you feel the calm, the peace, the contentment? (The energy in the room changes) This is how you can be in each moment. Let go of the rest.