Monday, 3 February 2014

Difficulties, Memories, Soul Journey

The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
January 30, 2014

There comes a time when you know what is appropriate for each interaction and circumstance. There is no one that can offer advice on what it is you need to express in the moment. Too often we see those rely on Spirit to give to them the answers to difficulties. You must understand that difficulties are a chance for you to delve deeper within the self to acknowledge those areas that either need to be healed or to be more fully understood. We cannot do this for you, even though, you have asked many times. Can you see that we stand by you in each breath and heart beat for we know your true self even though those aspects elude you.

It is a journey to the soul. 

Enjoy these trials for they are part of the mosaic of your life. Memories serve to protect you, as well as, incorporating different perspectives on your past. You can use these memories to bring about areas that you wish to explore. Remember that you can only ascertain what you have come to understand. Don’t reach too far ahead.

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