The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
Channeling Workshop
October 19, 2013
After a day of learning how to channel, the following channel was presented to the class.
Each of you has been given many opportunities to understand the workings of the universe. And so, can you acknowledge the times that we have come to you to help you with a problem, to help you to understand why you are here and where you are going as a soul? Rejoice, for there is much happiness, here, now. Do not hesitate to bring this into your existence for this is at the crux of the energies you anchor here.
Many of you are intent to arrive at the destination. Do you not realize that you are it? There is no where to go, just allow the experience to filter through you.
Be still, allow the energies to become a part of you, for this will help to increase the vibration, the frequencies, the sound. Any resistance on your part will delay the process. Encourage one another. There is much doubt here. You are not alone in feeling this way. If we could, we would hold the mirror of truth in front of you. And if you would allow it, you would see your light in all its glory reflecting back at you. Can you allow it even for a moment, because if you can, it will become integrated and you will acknowledge it from where you reside. It is complex to explain these transfers of knowledge within you and yet, it is happening. And so, can you see that there need not be a detailed explanation? Instead, can you just experience it? For in the experience you will know and recognize and be familiar with who you are and who works with you.
Come together for there is power in unity. Alone, there is weakness. Be of service to one another for there is much you can give. Be yourself and be confident in knowing that you have everything you need in this moment to be content, accepting, and you can move to a place where happiness is your guide.
Q. Is it helpful to channel to evolve?
Of course there are different purposes to each existence and this is a possibility for many who are here on this planet now. And so, of course if it is in their consciousness, then we encourage them to persue it. If it is not presented to them in any way, then they are not ready. They may be focusing on other areas that need development and so, if you are so inclined to learn this process then, can we say to you, it has been brought into your awareness for a reason.
Q. Is it important to know who you are or to have a name or to recognize you?
Yes, we would say it is important. There is duality here and so, there is a process of discerning what is appropriate for you and what works with you and what works against you and this is true in this process also.
A being from The Council steps forward I affectionately call Marilyn, who makes this comment:
You cannot separate spirit from who you are, we are as One.
Q. Many have been talking for decades that there is a positive shift in our world of human consciousness. Do you wish to comment on that?
There is a sensing of a shift and you can only describe what is occurring by the language that you possess and so, how it is being explained is limited.
You can understand what is occurring by reflecting yourself and how you are changing. Are you becoming more open to accepting new realities, new ways of approaching the way that you problem solve? Are you leaving behind what you have learnt that feels old and dated? And are you striving to see the connection that is underlying all principle of life? For when you understand how we are all connected, then you will understand why you are here and what it is you need to learn.
You cannot progress alone, indeed it is impossible. And so, can you at least, acknowledge that you can never be alone? Let go of any loneliness you may feel for it is false, it is not accurate, it is a clouded perception. Instead, can you live your life knowing that you are supported, guided, trusted, loved, acknowledged, important, special, beautiful, included….always.
Thank you Heather. I always enjoy reading your channelled messages. xo