Sunday, 16 June 2013


The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
An excerpt from a personal reading
June 11, 2013

(I see you walking through a lush valley with people behind and to the side of you)

Welcome, We are The Council. You have been with us many times before. For you are one who is searching, who is learning how to trust.

There have been many situations that you have called upon yourself to allow yourself to experience, what it takes not only to trust others, but to trust yourself. There are those who depend on you. Ones who walk with you. They too have desires and wishes of their own, but they are joined to you in this experience for not only their own growth, but to support you.

You look out and see what is there for you to see, but there is an energy that runs deeper than your perceptions. Right now, it is time and space. You are here on the earth and this living entity offers herself to you so that you are able to experience yourself in a finite way. What is it like for a soul so grand to play a little while in a body? How do you contain freedom?

This is part of why you struggle for it is true this is not home for you. And so you seek, search and look for a place to call home, when indeed this is only temporary. And so, what you seek on a superficial level is not what will bring you comfort for there is a deeper solution for you to acknowledge. Wherever you are, where you roam, where ever you look it is the same. The scenery may look different, people may come and go, situations may change and yet there is a part of you who knows no change who knows only now who understands only joy. And so, as you choose to experience this physical finite life, how do you contain yourself here, or do you have to? Can you experience your soul here on earth now? How is this possible?

There are those who can give you clues to this. There are those who wish you well. Those who give you comfort and support and those who give you a hard time. All are serving a purpose, all are helping you to understand the self.

There is a part within you that is that wanderer, that never feels quite secure where you are although you try. And so, can you acknowledge this part of yourself and know that it is fully accessible and you are able to integrate this into your existence as well.

Try to see your life beyond what others tell you for they do not know you, only you know yourself. If you must, then move, if you must, then stay. You can only honour the self. To live another’s choices, to live another’s life, is to dishonour the self. There are those who will come with you on this journey and then there are those who will let you go. This too is part of the experience. How much do you alter yourself to please another? How much do they alter themselves to please you?

Within the universe there is the law of balance. All will self-correct at one point. And so, you need not concern yourself with this now, instead ask yourself, “Is this where I want to be, is this what I want to do?”. Look beyond the rewards of the world. Look beyond what people tell you is success. Look beyond your perceptions for all is form, all is like another. Your true home knows what is real. Your true home honours you and everyone else. And so, as you go about your daily chores, ask yourself, does this serve me, does this serve others? And then you will know what is appropriate and what is good for you. No one can make these choices for you, including us, for this is not our role.

(italics is my addition)

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