Sunday, 28 April 2013

What You Seek, You Have Already Found

Through Heather Scavetta
For the Mediumship Workshop
April 27, 2013

Each of you has been given many opportunities to expand the Self, to learn about yourself. When you know who you are, you are able to look at the world, at your brothers and sisters, and see yourself.

You have been born to greatness. There is a power that moves through each of you. This is a gift from the Father Himself, for He wills all to be at peace and also to move throughout existence in a way that will honour Him. And so continue on your quest, for each of you is searching for love, knowing that you not only live in this time and space, but that you live with Us for all eternity. This is true.

Relax, for all has been provided for you. You need not worry about tomorrow, for it will take care of itself. In this moment, you have everything you need. Can you see your brothers and sisters beside you? You need to know that you are not alone, that your life has purpose and meaning; and so continue on your spiritual quest, to seek, to find; but know too that what you seek, you have already found.

But there are those who do not know this, those who feel lost and alone, and abandoned and they look for what you know, and so, reach out to them and show your gifts, for they are in need of healing. And as you give, so shall you receive. Blessed are those who share the gifts of the Father, and indeed you are blessed!

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