The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
October 18, 2012
This is a personal reading that I would like to share with you, as I feel it contains good messages for many people, HS.
Welcome. We are The Council.
Life is a mystery. For sure there are those who think they understand, who study and call themselves scholars, and yet they fail to grasp the ungraspable. It is as infinate and wide as you can imagine and so much more that your human existence cannot grasp. We see many who struggle with this, wanting to understand everything and many are on personal journeys of understanding the self, in hoping that this will give them a clue to what life is.
You have been born here to live in this limited perspective of your own choosing. This is not to say that you cannot learn, that you cannot love. But set aside what you are pursuing in the hope that it brings you knowledge/wisdom; for all endeavours as you breath in and out, this understanding, is born within you, a knowing that runs so deep that it needs not to be rediscovered, or examined or pursued, for it is who you are and to say that it is simple is true, and yet your true existence in the universe is anything but.
For the wonder of all existence is incomprehensible, is so vast and grand that even, We, continue to learn and expand our knowledge and so, do not stop learning and looking for answers for indeed we understand that this is common in the human experience, but understand too that, a balance of such energies will bring you more of what you seek. And so, look upon your life and see it as a puzzle; different pieces with different shapes that fit together perfectly. Each piece is as important as the next, for without it, the puzzle is not complete. And move away from what you seek in the material world for not all puzzle pieces are thus. For your human emotions are just as important and so don’t discount them, instead honour them as they are your ticket home.
They hold the key.......We could tell you so much more, but we understand that you need to practice with yourself at what works and what does not, what brings you joy and what moves it away. Can we say that your emotions will lead you to where you need to go and so do not surpress them, instead allow them to surface.
You can walk with us. You can feel our strength beside you. You need not think that you are alone for indeed you never are. You may turn your back on events that bring you sorrow, or times when you don’t understand, but can we, gently, encourage you to turn around and face what you do not understand or fear, head on. For as you turn your back on these events, they grow in magnitude, they fester and they become bigger than they truly are. In the dark all kinds of things can happen, but as you turn to face your fears your light shines on the darkness and understanding can come. Even though it may seem frightening, even though it may bring tears, this will help cleanse and bring in new ways of thinking and you will see, that what you have hidden is not as negative as you think. Whatever brings you fear, turn and look at it, feel it, ask for understanding and once that understanding comes, it no longer burdens you, it is no longer something that ways heavy upon you. And in that releasing, you allow new opportunities to come in.
There are other that go with you on this journey of life and they watch and listen and learn, for even though you are having your own personal experience here, you are also teaching others, by your example, they look to you. And so, what is it you want to teach?
Do you have a question?
Q - I do have a fear of energy healing. Any time I receive information, it frightens me and you just mentioned it about facing it head on, so I’ll try to practice that, but it is easier said than done. Do you have any other suggestions when one is connecting to the other side - not to be frightened.
A - You are not alone in your thinking. Do not feel that you lack qualities that are necessary for this endeavour. You may need to understand more about how life works. Do you not realize that we are not separate from one another? Do not be convinced of what your eyes see for this is not the true reality. There are energies that are created, that move. These energies can be weak or they can be strong. If one is working with energy and is fearful of it, then it will be weak and will have little strength to move. You are alive, you are here. You have been created from Life itself. This great power is a part of you and so you have the ability to create and part of creation is moving energy, allowing energy to flow through you, recognizing that you have your own energetic field that can be used and understand that the thoughts that you think are creating energy as well. When you let go of fear, what do you have instead? What has always been there? Perhaps you have covered it up, but as you face your fears you will see something shining underneath. What is this light? What is this power? Is it love? Is it wisdom? Is it strength from another source? All this is yours to discover, but as you embrace your fears and allow these illusions to fall away, for indeed they are illusions, you will see a power so great, so loving, that you will never deny it. You have felt this power before, and so you are not alien to it, but it is a process of trust, trust in yourself, that you can do this, that you have this ability.
It takes great strength to allow oneself to be vulnerable, to feel feelings fully, to feel the pain of others, but in that moment when you connect with another being, you will feel this power present. Start small, do what you know you can do, and move slowly forward as you gain confidence.
Do you have another question?
Q - Can you tell me in which direction to go? I am interested in so many things.
A - You may wish to help another and we understand this need, for indeed there are many like you, for you have known what it is like to work with others and you understand the joy that it brings and so you long for that connection again. It is not a mistake that you are here with your perceived limitations. Instead of focusing on what you cannot do and what you do not have, focus on those positive attributes of the self for you were also given these.
You may not be able to accomplish all that you desire here, but your soul is growing and understanding what it feels like to be you in this time and space, and so even though on a personal level you may feel you are limited, know that your soul is rejoicing. We see so many who fail to understand this. They look to others and see their successes and wonder why it is not theirs. Know that true treasure lives beyond this world and beauty and personal possessions and relationships will fall away, yet your soul is forever and so embrace what you have agreed upon and know that it is perfect in all aspects. It is difficult for those who wish to be healers when they are struggling with healing themselves. It is also, part of the greater picture, for as you heal yourself you understand others and are able to bring through this energy as another cannot. It is okay to feel the emotions that are involved, but if you see life as a continuum, if you see life as Life; that there is no death, then even though an animal may pass away, that their body is no use to them anymore, know that their soul lives, know that in that moment where you touched another, that, is part of the fabric of Life that will sustain Its growth and that, you will always have. There was a great one who walked the earth and cared for the sick and poor. She cried daily, cried with those she tried to help, but in those moments of connection, where their hearts became one, is what healed; is what created a continuum of life, and so do not shy away from these connections, for this is what you seek.
Do you have another question?
Q - My husband is not well, what can I do to help him?
A - Each soul has its own journey. He may not be able to accept your help. You may wish to help, but he is in his own world of understanding. It is best to make yourself available and be willing to accept that his emotions will vary and know that sometimes what he displays is from frustration, from disappointment in the self, from his inabilty to fully express his role, his role as a man. And so, it may hurt him to accept your help, so we advise that you remain open and available, but let him guide you. You have your own strengths, as so does he, and you are helping each other.
There is a time where it is appropriate to concentrate on the self, to work on your own healing and to allow his processes to take place and so spend as much time on the self as you do assisting another for each is important. Allow him to do as much for himself as he can and be there in those times when he cannot as a support. Try not to do for him, allow him to do as much as he can. Celebrate the good in your lives and do not let these perceived limitations limit your joy. It takes great courage to accept a life with limits and so know that you have what it takes to complete this experience. In those times when you feel uncertain, know that we are there supporting you. You may wish to acknowedge the Angels that are with you for they too offer their energies to you. Call on them and they will uplift the situation. We do not take joy in your struggles, but we do take great joy in your successes and this is what we see. This is our focus. We love you dearly. Know that it is forever. God bless you.