The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
For the Angel Workshop Participants
February 12, 2012
Welcome. Today is about playing, coming together to share stories, feelings, emotions and to indeed wonder. You all brought your child within today and just like children having a picnic, having a tea party, you came together in laughter and joy. These are special times that you will treasure again one day, as these moments of connection with one another are held for you so that on that day when all awareness is yours, you can relive those moments that brought you clarity and friendship.
There is a common tread that runs through each of you. A thread that is so fine, so tiny, that the physical eye cannot see it, but this thread is stronger than any string you can find here. A bond that can never be broken as it was created out of love and likeness for each other. This thread continues and connects you to others as well. What connections do you wish to make in your lifetime? If you knew that all connections were permanent in nature, how would you feel to relive old acquaintances again, to reminisce, to understand.
You are drawn to one another as well as friends, family and strangers for reasons beyond your comprehension. And indeed, these relationships can appear to be more beneficial for one than another, but perhaps you are here to be of service to those around you. It is part of the physical expression to be clouded by ones own individuality and personality and to feel that it is all for you, but perhaps some of you have done this before. Perhaps you understand the workings of the world and perhaps you chose to return to help others grow and learn to love themselves and to facilitate an opportunity for others to expand themselves and their awareness more fully.
We understand it is difficult to do when you are in the mist of something difficult, but if you could for a moment, reach behind you and know that you yourself are standing there, knowing that all opportunities come to you is for the higher good. And if you could, step out of your limited perception and know that your soul chooses wisely.
We are there to assist, to guide, to instruct, to endow, to challenge. All this is done with your permission and approval and deep desire. Enjoy the life that you have for indeed it will be over before you understand it and you will be whisked away to other realms of existence for new adventures. A gift has been presented to each of you, treasure it and know that it holds many opportunities for love, laugher and friendship, as well as challenges. You take this treasure with you where ever you go for it is held for you as well as within you. And if you wish to go into that treasure box, you may travel to that place deep within you that holds no barriers and has no fear.
We thank you for this opportunity to come forward today to connect with each of you,although we know you well. God bless, we are The Council.
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