Meditation is gaining attention around the world. Many people are seeking ways to de-stress their life. The art of being still has been an acceptable practice in the East for many centuries. Our culture is becoming more open-minded and embracing practices that increase our wellbeing, including meditation. The scientific community has proven meditation lowers blood pressure and stress hormones and has recently been discovered that when the body is in a deep relaxed state, our natural healing powers work optimally.
Images of sitting in a lotus position and chanting come to mind when thinking about meditation. There are many kinds of meditation. Meditation is the practice of relaxing the body and focusing the mind on one thing. This one thing can be music, the spoken word, the breath, nature, an object, the heart, etc. Meditation can be practiced sitting or lying down with the spine straight.
At School of Miracles, weekly meditation groups form a circle with their chairs and meditate together in the studio. Guided meditation helps the participants to clear their mind of extra thoughts by giving them directives to visualize with their mind and techniques to relax the body. As the mind focuses, extra thoughts will settle down and with practice, clarity and peace will result. Where the mind is, so the body follows. A calm mind produces a calm body.
As you develop your meditative practice, you will find that you are better able to handle the stress of life. At any time you will be able to enter into this meditative state where the mind and body calms. As you learn to sit still and think less, you can recognize those truths within yourself that speak to you of why you are here and who you really are. Rarely do people sit and ask themselves what it is they truly want out of life. Clearing the mind will help you listen to your heart’s desire.
School of Miracles offer many different classes and workshops. Reiki is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing technique. Reiki I, II & Master certification and Reiki for Horses workshops are available. Monthly practice sessions allow Reiki practitioners to use their skills and learn more advanced techniques.
As a bereaved parent and nurse, Heather offers counselling to those who are in the process of learning to cope with their new life without their loved one. Starting this fall, Healing Grief Series is being offered has a three part therapeutic approach to dealing with grief and loss. Three professionals, each using their own area of expertise, meet with the client individually. This combination allows the client to explore many areas of their life and to help them make sense of where they are and what their next step is on their journey of healing and acceptance.
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