It has been 5 years since I founded the School of Miracles. Since that time hundreds of people have passed through my door looking for answers. Many were people suffering the loss of a loved one, others were at a fork in the road and not sure where to go next, some needed a further understanding of their spiritual abilities.
At School of Miracles, we offer many different classes and workshops. The foundation of my practice is meditation and I truly feel that it is the backbone of developing any spiritual practice.
This all came about after the death of my twin daughter Elizabeth in a car accident New Year’s Eve 2004. Since that time, my life has never been the same. I went through months of deep grief and came to a point where I felt that the world held no answers for me. One night it was my dark night of the soul, where I realized I couldn’t find a way out of the misery and pain. Then I prayed for help.
Since that night my life changed. Was she around me, although I couldn’t see her? I started to see visions of beautiful colours and pictures playing out in front of me. Motion pictures of nature, animals and beauty I had never seen before. I did not have any spiritual abilities before this time. I feel meditation helped me to calm the body and mind to allow another perception to take place.
This truly was a miracle. I had never heard of this happening and didn’t know this was possible, but I knew Elizabeth had reached me to tell me she was still in our lives and very much alive. Many other miracles continue to happen to this day. This is all because I asked for help, and someone answered.
If this is possible for me, it is possible for anyone. My husband, Tony, who was a skeptic before Elizabeth’s transition to spirit, developed through meditation the ability to see loved ones who have crossed over and now gives mediumship readings. Hearing messages from your loved one brings a unique level of healing.
Now, 7 years later, I help others “open up” to the spiritual realm and discover their own abilities. I know that my daughter lives and is happy. How, because she told me many, many times. To this day I continue our communication of love and now she helps others in my classes to learn about their own abilities. Being able to communicate with spirit is not a gift, it is who we are. Everyone already communicates with the spiritual realm. Where do thoughts come from? Not all thoughts are yours. Some thoughts are lovingly sent like a whisper from Heaven to help guide and encourage you to take that next step forward.
Love and Light,