The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
August 10, 2013 for a private reading.
Welcome. We are The Council.
For you, time has stood still. There was a time when you laughed and played and was not concerned about the future, where you were going and how you would get there. There are responsibilities that have been placed upon you and for sure, these were not there when you were a child. And so, you take the time to look around to make decisions and to query what is the best choice. We are here, of course, to assist you and do you realize that we walk beside you arm and arm. Sometimes you feel our presence and other times you doubt. This is true.
You are at a point on your journey where you feel stuck where you are. You have created these boundaries yourself, even though it may look like another has done this to you. You look to the left and to the right and you see more of the same, barriers erected, unable to pass. Above you, as you look up you see freedom, for the sky has no boundaries and is fast. There is a part of you that longs to be free, to fly with the birds and go where you wish. You are still able to do this, even though you may feel you cannot, for your essence is free.
You are a practical person for your feet are firmly on the ground. Even though you dream, you know where you are right now and what it is that is required of you. Others have their own journeys, and do not be concerned about them for they too walk with us. They too are being guided and supported and of course, loved. And so, what is it that you wish for yourself, for your life, can you visualize it, can you dream it big enough? For no one can give you your dreams, this must originate from yourself.
There are no chains on you, no barriers to cross, no caverns too deep, no oceans too wide, for all that you are is there. You have the knowledge and the wisdom and the love and the caring. You have permission to give this love to yourself fully. You need not ration it, using it only for others for you are just as important, you are just as divine. You are just as special. Be kind to yourself. Treasure your gifts, for you are not like another in any way. You are unique, you are one of a kind. And so what is it about yourself that you call to yourself right now.? What parts of yourself have been left unfulfilled?
Call them back now, for the Soul longs to be whole. If you section off a part of yourself and put it in its own compartment, you are not whole. Often times, we see those who have pain, who put those pains away and do not look at them, but they still know that it’s there. Can you find the courage to open up that box and look at your pain? For when you do, you will find that it is nothing. It is only what you have created in your mind, what you think should be, but you being love, knows no pain. And so, can we say that the perception of pain is temporary, is of this life only. You will not take it with you, but while you are here, it can serve many purposes. You long to be free, to be free of those pains, and so it is your choice how you wish to proceed. Do you proceed safe, taking no risks, standing where you have been for a while now? Or can you see those barriers are small, are easily overcome and then you are free once more!
Forever you are bound to the laws of life and, although, some may look at this as being restrictive, it is anything but. For the Lord, our God has written this in the stars and the heavens to provide for you always your wishes and your dreams being fulfilled. And so once you understand these laws, you will understand yourself, for this is what you are seeking. Be brave! Have courage! For it is only a short time here before you see and understand the bigger picture.