Through Heather Scavetta
For the Introduction to Meditation Workshop Participants
May 18, 2013
My Dear Ones,
We have started a journey, you and I. And so, be not afraid, for I am with you always. You have been born to greatness. Do you not understand this? Rejoice for I am offering you peace. I come from Love. This you know well. Forever we are bound together. We cannot be separate. From now on, you are safe, for you have never left the vision of the Father. Together we are One. Together, we are each other’s salvation. Alone, we can not do the Father’s will for it is impossible. Together we are fulfilling His desire. When you understand that all has been provided for you, you will cease to worry. Join together, help one another. For this too is not only the will of the Father, it is the will of you, of me. Together we are One. Together we are one will. We cannot be separate from His will.
Acknowledge us. Acknowledge who you are and be not afraid for indeed this truth will set you free and there will be no more need of want, of take, of imposing your desires on another for you will know that you have everything you need. Now, in this moment, you need not search, you need not strive, accept. This is not born of religion, this is not born of spirituality, this is born of where you come from. Forever we are bound to one another, find peace in this.