Friday, 7 October 2011

Open-Hearts and A Medicine Man Speaks

October 2, 2011
The Council through Heather Scavetta
For the Reiki Certification Class

Welcome. We are The Council. Love and Light to all. From our side of the veil there is clarity. We see the intent in each of you. From your heart centre radiates out your thoughts and desires to the world, but also it is a vessel for receiving our emotions and intent. Those who have a closed heart are unable to perceive us for it is through the heart that we are heard.

So often those who have experienced a major transition in their life or a tragedy allows the heart to open as they are vulnerable and are seeking assistance. This allows us to filter through the airwaves and dwell within. It is your choice whether you act upon and hear our messages.

As children you naturally ran and played and cared for others openly. There is much that the children of this world can teach the adults. There was no hesitation to speak a kind word, touch another, ask for hugs, but as you grew the culture informed you that there is an appropriate time and place for such. We say to you, allow that child to be set free. Take a chance and share with each other. If another is unable to respond, see that as a cry for help as they are wounded, afraid and are uncertain of themselves. Seek out those who are comfortable with their heart and you will see that they will breed an environment that allows others to do the same.

 It is true that animals have a natural open heart, but they can be wounded too. As often times, the humans in their life hurt them although it is not necessarily their intent. Often times they are able to forget and are fresh again accepting of your love and praise. Let them too be a reminder to your nature that lies within and see the joy that they express and know that it is in your best interest to operate from an open heart.

A shift in energy occurs as a Reiki Healing Guide, a Medicine Man comes forward:

Enjoy the day. Allow the fresh air to fill your lungs, take in the sights and sounds of autumn. The trees whisper to you. They have hidden messages within. All holds information for you if you have the courage to seek it, even the rocks. There will come a time upon this earth when all bow down to nature itself to the Great Mother and they will find the connection that they seek, that they thought was lost and they will feel reborn and alive and will feel a new sense of purpose. Until that day, we ask you to hold this intent in your heart, to share with others what you have learned, what you know, what you feel and allow that connection to be made so as another does not feel that they are alone, that they feel that another cares for them, will find a higher purpose to their life and thus contributing to the all.

From the heavens we speak, from the earth you sing. Together we make beautiful music. Rejoice for a new day has come and all will find peace.